Sale Higgins Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name Higgins originally appeared in Gaelic as O huigin, which is derived from the word uiging, which is a… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Walsh Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name From the valleys and mountains of Wales, the Walshs found a new homeland in Ireland in the aftermath… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Kennedy Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name Present on the Emerald Isle from the earliest times, bearers of the Kennedy, Ó Cinnéid… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Collins Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name Two of the sources for the proud name of Collins in Ireland stretch back to the heroic age of Celtic… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Duffy Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name Bearers of the Duffy name are heirs to a legacy in which the colourful myth and magic of the Celtic … Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale O'Hara Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name With origins enshrouded in mysterious myth and legend, the O’Haras were present from the very … Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Kelly Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name One of their ancestors was a ferocious chieftain who fought loyally at the side of the great warrior… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Daly Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name Renowned for centuries as poets, scholars and guardians of ancient Celtic tradition, bearers of the … Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Burke Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name Although they arrived as invaders and adventurers, the Burkes came to adopt the ancient Irish way of… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Joyce Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name The Joyces came to Ireland in the late twelfth century as Norman invaders, but cast aside the sword … Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale McCarthy Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name One of the original native Irish clans, the McCarthys experienced both great fortune and tragic misf… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart
Sale Doyle Irish Ancestry Clan History Booklet Covering the Historical Exploits of this Famous Name Rooted in the soil of Ireland from the early years of the tenth century A.D., the potent blood of Vi… Now €6.35 Was €7.05 Add to Cart